Friday, September 29, 2006

Forget About Yisrayl Hawkins - Jesus Has Returned!!!

And lives in Houston, Texas. From KHOU in Houston:

...He makes a remarkable claim: that he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

...Perhaps equally remarkable, the number of people who believe him. Now this man could be your neighbor and who says he’s Christ, has moved to Houston. When members of Creciendo en Gracia had a worldwide meeting in Miami this weekend it had a Latin beat. And when Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda entered the room with a security detail clearing his way, it could have been a rock star or a politician. His style is a bit of both. “I am the second coming of Christ, that messiah that they’ve been waiting for,” said Dr. Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda.

...He is Puerto Rican but has followers throughout Latin America and increasingly in the U.S. where he has learning centers in New York and now, alongside other non-denominational churches, he has one in Houston.

“He is God,” said one follower.

Followers hear there is no devil, no sin, that Jesus took it away.

...Most of all he seems to tell them they are worthy of being cared about.
“Some people tell me, you know, that it looks like the devil. If that is true I want to be with the devil because he make me so happy,” said Claudia Salazar, Creciendio en Gracia follower. One person termed Dr. Miranda’s message “seductive.

You’re getting something that you get similar to what you get over at Joel Osteen’s place except Joel would not claim to be Jesus Christ,” said theology expert Lynn Mitchell.

After watching the video, Mitchell made the interesting observation that it was joyous and the growth of Creciendo en Gracia is due at least in part to conventional Christian churches.

“I think it represents a very heavy failure of Christian churches because Christian churches have not really conveyed their message for decades now. So people think of the Christian church as being a downer as always talking about people being sinners and so forth,” said Mitchell, U of H Resident Scholar Religious studies.

Joel, when someone says your style and message imitates a known cult-leader, maybe someone's trying to tell you something.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Joel, Meet Paul!

I know, I know, I keep picking on Joel, but it's such a temptation.

Joel Osteen's word for today:

God...wants you to feel good about yourself and have a positive vision for your life....[God] I thank You...that I have discipline and self-control, and that I can make good decisions.

Paul responds:
We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! (Romans 7:14-24 NIV)
Oh, come on Paul, cheer up! Joel says God wants you to feel good about yourself! Now, Paul, Paul, put that rock down. We don't stone people in the 21st century anymore!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Joel's Words of Sinspiration

If there was ever any doubt about Joel Osteen's Word of Faith leanings, it should be forever removed with yesterday's inspiring message. Joel was called on to interpret this Scripture:
Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Cor. 4:18)
The Osteen interpretation:

The first step in moving forward into a fresh future is forgetting the disappointments of yesterday. No matter what people have done to you, or how unfair life has been, God is able to bring you out stronger than before. God wants the rest of your life to be more blessed than the first part—greater, in fact, than anything you could ever imagine. Unfortunately, too many people quit believing for more when they face tough times. They quit expecting anything good to happen. The truth is, our hardships and trials are really opportunities for us to go higher.

Whatever struggles you're going through right now, no matter how large or small . . . they are subject to change. Nothing may look right in your life today, but it's all subject to change. God is working behind the scenes on your behalf!

A Prayer for Today

God, I feel at peace with my situation knowing You are behind the scenes, preparing a fantastic future for me. I am going to let go of the past and believe for more blessing and abundance in the days to come. In Jesus' Name – Amen.

In sharp contrast, The Expositor's Bible Commentary says that the Apostle Paul
"is affirming that his affections are set 'on things above' (Col. 3:1, 2), on lasting realities as yet unseen, on the age to come that is present in promises and blessings still to be fully realized....This preoccupation with the realm 'where Christ is seated at the right hand of God' (Col. 3:1) was not the result of an arbitrary choice; it was an informed decision. Paul was profoundly aware that the present age is transient (cf. 1 Cor. 7:31), whereas the age to come is eternal in the sense of being 'destined to last for ever,' and that his afflictions were temporary but his reward eternal. (Murray H. Harris, The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 10, p. 345)
Joel Osteen would have his followers set their eyes on the things of this world, on the here and now; Scripture would have Christians set their eyes on eternal matters. It's a shame Osteen didn't quote the beginning of this chapter:
Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. (2 Cor. 4:1, 2)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Singing the Praises of the Almighty $Dollar

From yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle, an article on Creflo Dollar:

"The challenge of this convention is to change the way you think; you are not going to be peaceful and happy in life if you are broke," Dollar, his real name, told the more than 2,500 gathered at the Oakland Convention Center. "Some Christians need to get a life, to enjoy life in abundance and stop taking everything so serious.

"Get a boat or a Jet Ski. It's all right to enjoy life."

...Dollar, who runs the World Changers Church International, has gained a reputation for promoting gospel that emphasizes material wealth and uses Scripture to show that is what God wants.

He insists that prosperity is more than wealth. "I say prosperity and most people think money, but it is prospering in spirit, soul, physical body and family relationships as well as money," Dollar said. On Friday, throughout his 90-minute sermon, Dollar stressed the importance of unconditional love, but often came back to money.

"You have to understand the reason everything is wrong in your life," he told the crowd. "Not having money to do what you need to do in life is bad.

"I don't care what your favorite preacher says. I'm giving you what the Lord says. The Lord says to live life in abundance."

..."Maybe God will speak to you to write a $10,000 check."

Scripture replies:

If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:3-10, NIV)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Yisrayl, I Was Wrong!!

Turns out I was wrong about referring to Yisrayl Hawkins as a false prophet. Seems that nuclear war did begin September 12th, 2006 and now we have "Thirteen Months of Nuclear Wars" and those same thirteen months to repent. I've certainly repented of ever doubting Yisrayl and I hope you will too. Look out -- incoming missile!!!


Brainwashing - Not Just For the Cults Anymore!

An e-mail from the prophetically-oriented Elijah List today prepares their supporters for those who would challenge anything that isn't biblical. Undrai and Bridget Fizer, who operate Undrai Fizer Ministries and support the concept of prophets and apostles for today, write:

Becoming transformed into an expression of the Kingdom will produce words against you -- are you all right with that?...[Jesus'] faith "stirred" the religious minds of His day, and He was often called, "cursed, a false prophet, a devil, and a madman!" His oneness with God made Him stand out on purpose, from the rest of the world....Are you ready to believe and become a thing that the world cannot label, neither can religion control? Are you ready to live with that type of fearlessness and power? Are you ready to eat Words of God that produce this kind of dominion? Are you ready to become best friends "with a sword" that will bring division between beliefs of the Kingdom, and beliefs of religion and the mundane?

You see, to be like Jesus, is not to merely be Christian or religious. To be like Jesus is to become comfortable with being one with the Identity that He embraced for Himself. It is to become comfortable with not only sharing His Life but also His enemies. Are you ready to be confronted with the enemies that confronted Jesus?...To become comfortable with Jesus is to become comfortable with a radical. It is to become confident and trusting in Truths that are not commonly spoken, embraced, taught, or confirmed. Many would ask Jesus, "Where did you get this authority?" Or, in today's terms, "Who is your pastor? Where did you get this insight? Who is your covering?" Are you comfortable with being one with a Person who was uncovered by religious means, radical in His lifestyle, and spoke Truths that many could not understand or affirm? Because to be friends with Jesus, is to be considered a troublemaker and a stirrer of the mundane, the religious, and the significantly complacent.
This sends a clear message to those who would like to think of themselves as prophets and apostles, or those anxious to follow such people, not to be concerned if they are challenged by the "religious" world - that is, by those who hold Scripture as their final authority. Just as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons have been trained to expect persecution, so are supporters of the prophetic movement. In turn, this leads to a cult-like following of one or more of these leaders rather than following the Jesus Christ of Scripture.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How to Take a Verse Out of Context

I just subscribed to Joel Osteen's daily e-mailed inspirational messages. Receiving my first message today, I felt inspired to share his message with everyone.

His message is based on Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

Osteen writes,

We all face challenges, difficulties, and times when things don't go as planned. Have you ever noticed that it's in times of difficulty that we grow and develop? Those times are opportunities to allow God's Word to come alive in your life and see you through to victory. God will use your challenges to stretch you, and enlarge your vision. We encourage you to be faithful during your adversity. Make up your mind to serve God no matter what comes against you, and God will honor you. Hold your head up high knowing that no matter what the situation looks like today, God will reward your faithfulness. Fight the good fight of faith. You are being prepared for promotion. And if you'll simply remain faithful and fight through life, then in due season, God will promote you to new levels of victory and you'll live that abundant life that He has promised you!
So hang in there during tough times and God will reward you and you'll live an abundant life. Tell that to the Apostle Paul. Tell that to the Apostle Peter. Tell that to the Apostle James. All died for their faith and none of them lived in material abundance, the overall theme of Osteen's ministry.

This is what the writer of Hebrews says in context (Hebrews 10:32-39):

Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.
We can see that the writer was talking about the persecution the Christians were facing and that he promised that if they persevered they would receive what God had promised. What was that? A nice house? A new car? Financial riches? No, upon the return of Jesus Christ, eternal life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Islam Vs. Christianity

With regard to the showdown between the Pope and Islam, National Review has a great article -- "Where Are Those Blood-Thirsty Christian Fascists?" -- on NBC's double standards.

Get It While It's Hot!

One more way to peddle the Gospel from The Elijah List - Scent of Jerusalem Toilette Spray for Men and for women. "Essence of Jerusalem is made from 90 different aromatic plants growing in and around Holy City Jerusalem and the Judean Desert. The fragrance of this exclusive balsam inspired perfume represents a subtle blend of the oriental and the classic, encapsulating the very essence of an ancient aroma and the scent of Jerusalem." Only $26!

If that doesn't strike your fancy, there is also "Third Heaven Vision Anointing Oil" for $8.

Now if those products don't bring people running into the Kingdom I don't know what will!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Pope Vs. Islam

The current backlash to the Pope's comments on "peaceful" Islam reminds us of the riots that took place last February over certain cartoons. See my blog of Feb. 3rd on another "riot" that was not taking place at the same time. Click Here.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Judge Not - When You Pick On My Favourites

Every once in a while I get an e-mail calling me all sorts of names, questioning my lineage, wondering if I had a bad upbringing, etc., because I'm "judging" others - usually a false teacher they admire, thus the outburst - and, of course, Jesus told us not to judge. Mind you, the person condemning me is doing a lot more judging than I ever dreamed of doing. That's the effect of postmodernism in the world today and especially in the church. WorldNetDaily has a good article dealing with this very issue. Click Here.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Important News Flash! It turns out that Yisrayl Hawkins was correct, and nuclear war DID break out September 12th!! See Yisrayl Hawkins website. He has promised to give us details soon. I may have to scrape that egg off of "Cowboy" Hawkins' face yet.

Kim's Words of Wisdom

We have some new "words of wisdom" from my favourite false profit - I mean, prophet - Kim Clement, whose prophetic accuracy rate remains at 100% - wrong, that is. From his website:
"Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s. A cure is rapidly coming to you says the Spirit of God." (Colleyville, TX, August 7, 2006)
Great!! Wonderful!! And the way you so accurately predicted a cure for AIDS by 2002 (Praise the Lord, December 26, 2000) and prophesied Osama bin Laden's capture by Easter of 2004 (Praise the Lord, January 12, 2004) I just KNOW Alzhimer's days are numbered!
"Hezbollah has been the talk of the town and they say that they are greater than Al-Qaeda. God said Ha. What is this that would come before me, once again and show the strength of its arm, show the strength of its legs? God says there are two leaders that will die simultaneously. It is not the way that I want it but the spirit says stubbornness of men are bringing Israel once again to a place of shame and this is not good. For I will not allow the injustice says the Lord. And they say they are in this nation, I said to you in the summer of this year and during the summer months through November I will pluck out every terrorist organization in this nation to bring you to peace says the Lord. Yes I will. God says watch it, in two short weeks everything will be cleared up." (Colleyville, TX, August 7, 2006)
Cousin Kim, the cease-fire was August 14th and I assume you think Hezbollah is out of business, so your prophecy came true!! I knew it would! Just one catch, though - you didn't publish this prophecy on your web site until yesterday. Oops! I still believe in you, though.

"Word of prophesy to pastor and his family ... You have been set aside for a nation that is presently under tremendous strain where they are saying, he might die, but his brother, his brother will take over. His brother will only be there for a short while and his brother shall have an experience with Christ and Cuba shall be opened as its never been opened before says the spirit of god. For a move of my Spirit shall take place and you will have your hand on it." (Colleyville, TX, August 8, 2006)
So you think rumors are going to fly that Fidel Castro might die and Raul will take over and convert to Christianity! But, Kim, you gave this prophecy August 8th and Raul took over August 1st!!! Haven't you read the newspapers? Still waiting for that conversion.
"Let the chaos not continue for God says, spirits of darkness have taken this region and it is announced tonight by the prophet that every psychic power shall be destroyed, shall be broken, says the Lord! It shall be destroyed, it shall be destroyed! The influence that has been selected to go on to Larry King and those that would take and enhance the voice of nothing - God says, it is replaced by the Word of the Lord in the prophet! So shall it be, says the Spirit of the Lord." (Secrets Hollywood, August 20, 2006)
What a shame - I thought Hollywood's psychics were a tad more accurate than Kim.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today's "Egg On His Face" Award Goes To.....

Yisrayl Hawkins

For those of you who are still here, congratulations! As you may know, according to the Texas-based House of Yahweh's Yisrayl Hawkins, a third of mankind was to be wiped out by nuclear war today (See Church Bazaar Reminder). Now get out there and pick up the pieces!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Time Tackles Word of Faith

The September 18th, 2006 issue of Time magazine has decided to tackle the Word of Faith movement in their cover article "Does God Want You to Be Rich?" Unfortunately, rather than taking a stand on the issue, one way or the other, Time preferred to straddle the fence and let the reader decide which side is correct - or to decide that since there seem to be arguments in the Bible to support both views, this proves the Bible is full of contradictions. Be that as it may, here are a few interesting excerpts from the article:
In three of the Gospels, Jesus warns that each of his disciples may have to "deny himself" and even "take up his Cross." In support of this alarming prediction, he forcefully contrasts the fleeting pleasures of today with the promise of eternity: "For what profit is it to a man," he asks, "if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" It is one of the New Testament's hardest teachings, yet generations of churchgoers have understood that being Christian, on some level, means being ready to sacrifice--money, autonomy or even their lives. But for a growing number of Christians like George Adams, the question is better restated, "Why not gain the whole world plus my soul?"

...Of the four biggest megachurches in the country, three--Osteen's Lakewood in Houston; T.D. Jakes' Potter's House in south Dallas; and Creflo Dollar's World Changers near Atlanta--are Prosperity or Prosperity Lite pulpits.

...And propelled by Osteen's 4 million--selling book, Your Best Life Now, the belief has swept beyond its Pentecostal base into more buttoned-down evangelical churches, and even into congregations in the more liberal Mainline. It is taught in hundreds of non-Pentecostal Bible studies. One Pennsylvania Lutheran pastor even made it the basis for a sermon series for Lent, when Christians usually meditate on why Jesus was having His Worst Life.

"Who would want to get in on something where you're miserable, poor, broke and ugly and you just have to muddle through until you get to heaven?" asks Joyce Meyer, a popular television preacher and author often lumped in the Prosperity Lite camp. "I believe God wants to give us nice things."
I personally know of one Joyce Meyer devotee who, instead of receiving wealth and cars, nearly lost her life and did lose everything else. Why? Perhaps because God does want to give her something nice - like a lifelong relationship with Himself rather than with the things of this world to which she was previously devoted. To date, however, this devotee's faith in Meyer has not been shaken and she does not seem to have gotten the message.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Lack of Inspiration

The Inspiration Network, currently situation in Charlotte, NC but in the process of expanding and moving just across the state line to South Carolina, was founded by David Cerullo, son of infamous Word of Faith preacher Morris Cerullo (of "When you're looking at me, you're looking at God, you're looking at Jesus" fame). Unfortunately, the Inspiration Network has not been inspired to use discernment, to the extent that they are doing what even the Trinity Broadcasting Network won't do - permiting Roderick C. Meredith to have a show on their network on Saturday mornings.

Meredith is the head of The Living Church of God, one of many offshoots of the old Worldwide Church of God. They continue to follow the teaching of Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the WWCofG. Among their beliefs:

  • There are two in the Godhead, Father and Son, but you too will become part of the Godhead eventually. God is reproducing Himself and you will become part of the God family.
  • The true church observes the Saturday Sabbath instead of Sunday.
  • The Holy Spirit is not a Being
  • They observe the annual festivals listed in Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 because they were commanded to be observed forever.
  • Those who die cease to exist.
  • Those who experience the Second Death will be annihilated.
  • Christians are "born again" at the resurrection.
  • Military service is forbidden.
  • Laws concerning clean and unclean meats still stand.
  • Anglo-Americans are part of the ten "lost" tribes of Israel.
  • The Living Church of God is God's one true church.
Meredith considers networks like the Inspiration Network to be counterfeit Christianity - well, alright, he has a point there! - but this doesn't seem to bother David Cerullo. Why should it when he has other heretics on his network as well?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Manhattan Court Orders Resentence in Religious Investment Scam

Interesting story from Newsday yesterday. It reads in part:
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan upheld the convictions of Roberta Dupre, 62, and her accomplice, Beverly Stambaugh, 56, but ordered them resentenced.

Dupre last year was given 14 years in prison and Stambaugh nine years. Judge Denise L. Cote in Manhattan imposed the harsh sentences after concluding they manipulated people who had strong religious beliefs but little money.

A jury took less than three hours in October 2004 to convict Dupre and Stambaugh of cheating 1,000 investors by promising them a cut of the late Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos' fortune, a gain of $500 for every dollar invested.

When investors raised doubts, they were directed to Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

...The jury rejected Dupre's claim that the Lord had spoken to her and encouraged her to recruit investors.

Dupre, of Manhattan, and Stambaugh, of Montrose, Colo., quoted from scripture and urged investors in e-mail messages to pray for the funds to be released.
(Manhattan court orders resentence in religious investment scam -
Terrific idea convicting them of fraud. But wait! Why stop there? Why isn't Paula White of Church Without Walls being charged with fraud when she promises that if you give $818 to a telethon, according to Deuteronomy 8:18 God will give you power to get wealth? (Trinity Broadcasting Network, 11/3/2003). Why isn't self-proclaimed "prophetess" Juanita Bynum being charged with fraud when she challenges viewers to empty their bank account because God will multiply what you give Him? (TBN, 11/7/2003) Why isn't Jesse Duplantis being charged with fraud when he promises $10,000 out of a $100 donation? (TBN, 4/24/2004) The courts could have a field day should they so choose, couldn't they?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Unreal World of Word of Faith Theology

As their leaders start to age, the doctrines of the Word of Faith preachers slowly start to disintegrate, even to the point that those leaders sometimes start to realize the errors in their teachings. A recent example is the former pastor of Carpenter's Home Church in Lakeland, Florida, Karl Strader. Strader has been battling prostate cancer in recent years and the Lakeland paper, The Ledger, July 15th, 2006 reports:
Strader said that there is one thing he has learned as a result of the events of the last 15 years, that the role of suffering had been ignored by Pentecostals. Catholics have always stressed identifying with the suffering of Christ, and for that reason it was viewed with suspicion, but Strader came to realize that it is taught in the Bible, he said.

"I had 19 years of incredible growth and 19 years of incredible decline. I swallowed hard and asked, 'Am I a failure? Is God against me?' And having gone through this experience with Dan for the last 11 years...

"We're to have 'the fellowship of his sufferings.' We've got to learn how to suffer," Strader said. "We have to learn how to take reversals and not put a spin on it and say 'it's a beautiful day.' It's not a beautiful day. ... We've got to go through it just like (Jesus) did."

Monday, September 04, 2006

Joel Turns Sheepish

This just in from Saturday's Boston Herald:

He’s the most popular preacher in the country right now - a best-selling author and the “most watched minister” in America.

But when asked yesterday about gay marriage during a trip to the bluest state in the land of the free - and the only one where same-sex nuptuals are legal - the Rev. Joel Osteen suddenly got sheepish.

“I don’t think it’s God’s best,” the handsome Holy Roller said of homosexuality. “I never feel like homosexuality is God’s best.”

When pressed on the issue, Osteen said, “I don’t feel like that’s my thrust . . . you know, some of the issues that divide us, and I’m here to let people know that God is for them and he’s on their side.”
Nothing quite like a preacher of the Gospel who won't take a firm stand against subjects God clearly condemns. Can't you just hear God's voice speak out from the Second Book of Joel? "Hey, this is your good Buddy God speaking. I really don't approve of what you folks are doing down there in Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuality isn't really My best plan for you. But I want you to know that despite all that you're doing, I'm for you - I'm on your side! I want you to discover the champion in you!!"

Friday, September 01, 2006

I Shall Not Die

After doing a little research I am formally announcing to the world that I am not going to die - I shall stay here until the Lord returns. How did I come to this conclusion? I've been reading The Gospel According to Ken and The Gospel According to Jesse.

The Gospel According to Ken tells me "Paul lived to be an old man and then said that he could not decide whether to stay here or to go be with the Lord (Philippians 1:22-24). He needed to stay here for the Church's sake, but he yearned to go be with Jesus. He did not leave this world until he and the Lord were ready. This is not the description of a man who lived with sickness and disease." (Kenneth Copeland website)

The Gospel According to Jesse tells me "Jesus was His own Man and He controlled His destiny and He reached His destination. Well, when I read that I said 'Well, can I control my destiny and reach my destination?' The Lord said 'Be ye therefore imitators of God as dear children.' Whatever Jesus can do, you can do. In fact, you can do greater works....They couldn't kill the apostle Paul until he was ready. They couldn't kill Peter until he was ready. He determined when." (Jesse Duplantis Program: What is Christianity? Part 1, Week of June 23-29, 2002: no longer posted on website, but Scripture never changes.)

Jesse also tells me "If you want to die, the only way you can is with your own mouth, because death and life is in the power of your tongue, not cancer or diabetes or high blood pressure or crippling arthritis - ready? - or even age....He said death and life's in the power of the tongue. End of statement." (Jesse Duplantis on Kenneth Copeland's show, 5/1/95)

Therefore, based on these two gospels, I am telling the world that I shall not [cough] d.......

A Diseased Dollar

One of the most popular prosperity teachers on Christian television these days is Creflo Dollar. Today I was checking out his web site just to see what his idea of salvation involved. He writes:
The word salvation comes from the Greek word soteria, which means "deliverance, perservation and safety." It primarily involves deliverance from the bondage of sin (Galatians 5:1), but also includes deliverance from enemies (Luke 1:71) and from sickness and disease (Isaiah 53:4 AMP; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24)....salvation involves a process that will not only guarantee you entrance into heaven, but will also position you to experience a complete life on earth.
Here is the predicament that followers of these teachers are put in: people like Dollar promise that not only will Jesus save you from your sins, but that you'll be delivered from your enemies and from sickness, disease and poverty.

Now, we all know that just ain't gonna happen! You are going to get sick and eventually you just might even die. You are going to have financial problems - your spouse will probably see to that! Enemies are going to come against you - especially on April 15th. So what goes through the mind of a Dollar Follower who gets sick, loses his job, or runs into money problems and hasn't been able to buy that Jaguar yet?

When a prosperity teacher is asked why someone isn't receiving all the good things in life, he will invariably tell the Christian that they don't have enough faith and that there is probably sin in their life messing up what God's trying to do for them. The unspoken logical conclusion becomes,
If I don't have enough faith to be healed and to have wealth, then how can I have enough faith to be saved?? Since these things are happening to me, maybe I'm not even a child of God! Maybe I don't have eternal life!
This, then, is the deadly disease these wolves are spreading!