Brainwashing - Not Just For the Cults Anymore!
An e-mail from the prophetically-oriented Elijah List today prepares their supporters for those who would challenge anything that isn't biblical. Undrai and Bridget Fizer, who operate Undrai Fizer Ministries and support the concept of prophets and apostles for today, write:
Becoming transformed into an expression of the Kingdom will produce words against you -- are you all right with that?...[Jesus'] faith "stirred" the religious minds of His day, and He was often called, "cursed, a false prophet, a devil, and a madman!" His oneness with God made Him stand out on purpose, from the rest of the world....Are you ready to believe and become a thing that the world cannot label, neither can religion control? Are you ready to live with that type of fearlessness and power? Are you ready to eat Words of God that produce this kind of dominion? Are you ready to become best friends "with a sword" that will bring division between beliefs of the Kingdom, and beliefs of religion and the mundane?This sends a clear message to those who would like to think of themselves as prophets and apostles, or those anxious to follow such people, not to be concerned if they are challenged by the "religious" world - that is, by those who hold Scripture as their final authority. Just as Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons have been trained to expect persecution, so are supporters of the prophetic movement. In turn, this leads to a cult-like following of one or more of these leaders rather than following the Jesus Christ of Scripture.
You see, to be like Jesus, is not to merely be Christian or religious. To be like Jesus is to become comfortable with being one with the Identity that He embraced for Himself. It is to become comfortable with not only sharing His Life but also His enemies. Are you ready to be confronted with the enemies that confronted Jesus?...To become comfortable with Jesus is to become comfortable with a radical. It is to become confident and trusting in Truths that are not commonly spoken, embraced, taught, or confirmed. Many would ask Jesus, "Where did you get this authority?" Or, in today's terms, "Who is your pastor? Where did you get this insight? Who is your covering?" Are you comfortable with being one with a Person who was uncovered by religious means, radical in His lifestyle, and spoke Truths that many could not understand or affirm? Because to be friends with Jesus, is to be considered a troublemaker and a stirrer of the mundane, the religious, and the significantly complacent.
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