Steve Munsey Heresy
I was watching the semi-annual telethon on the Trinity Broadcasting Network last week and, to my surprise - not! - came across these purely heretical statements by Steve Munsey.Jesus says “I will bless you a hundred fold in this life and in the life to come with houses, lands, brothers and sisters. Now, I’m just raising a question. I’m not trying to be big theological order here, and maybe somebody can help me. But if you want to know if you’re going to get a good reward in heaven,This so-called preacher knows absolutely nothing about the Gospel. If I ever saw a heretic, this guy fits the are you being rewarded here now? “For I will bless you now and in the world to come....Jesus says when you give to the Gospel – Gospel means good news – when you give to promote that, I will bless you down here. And I want to let every body know that I’ve already tried to live for God with poverty and tried to be spiritual and I failed. I want to be honest with you. When somebody tells you that you’re more spiritual when you don’t have anything they’re lying through their teeth. Because when I’m broke I want to get drunk. I want – oh, come on now – “Well, that will make you pray more!” It does not make me pray more. It only makes me cry more. I’m just being real! Am I talking to any real people out there? But when I’m being blessed, the joy of the Lord is my strength and I can shout and lift my hands and shout to the Lord.
Labels: Steve Munsey, TBN
That's aweful. My spouse and I have been through the worst three months of our life personally and financially and this guy would tell us that God is not blessing us. I'm closer to the Lord now than I think I have ever been. He gives me faith that I don't have to believe against what I see that I have hope now and for eternity. The prosperity gospel is so dangerous!
appareantly Steve Munsey has not studied 2 Corinthians 12:10......................'For Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong' hummm whos telling the truth Steve or Paul..............
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