Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Free At Last!!!

Benny Hinn is holding a crusade in Uganda this week, and he has been doing the Christian world a huge favour - freeing famous pastors of demons!! From the African newspaper "The Monitor" comes this news:

May 21, 2007 Monday


Demons Cast Out of Kayanja, Namutebi

UGANDAN evangelists Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre, Imelda Namutebi of Liberty Worship Centre and a host of prominent pastors famed for driving away demons, succumbed to Benny Hinn miraculous demon-freeing powers.

Pastors including Gary Skinner of Kampala Pentecostal Church, Alex Mitala, and Isaac Kiweewesi on Saturday at Namboole Stadium, fell to the ground when Pastor Benny Hinn ordered demons to free them.

A fully packed stadium, believers were mystified by the preaching and cheered as scores of senior pastors in the country fell to the ground by the mere swing of Pastor Hinn's hand.

"Pick him (Kayanja) up," Pastor Hinn ordered his ushers as Pastor Kayanja was on the ground unconscious. "Get your blessing now to spread the Gospel," Paster Hinn said with confidence.

The famed American evangelist then turned to pastor Imelda Namutebi, famous for throwing people to the ground; "Receive your blessing." Ms Namutebi dropped to the ground.

Joy filled the crowds as renowned pastors in tears struggled to come on their feet. "Forget the past you are now a new person start preaching the Gospel of God to the people," Hinn told Kayanja whose cheeks were watered with tears.

A submissive and cleansed Kayanja confessed that while on he lay on the ground, he saw Jesus. "I can't believe it, When I was on the ground I saw Jesus," Paster Kayanja testified.

Robert Kayanja is an occasional guest preacher on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Finally, we're going to see some demon-free preaching from this guy and the others!!!



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