Saturday, April 07, 2007

The LCMS Downhill Slide

For those concerned about the direction of the LCMS, Rev. Wallace Schulz has just written a lengthy piece on "It is Written" titled "The LCMS - Its Past And Future." Click Here.



At April 07, 2007 5:25 PM, Blogger Donald V. Engebretson said...

I have read only sections of this paper so far, but Dr. Schultz is dead-on. His observations resonate well with my own as a pastor for 20 years, especially as I have struggled with the loss and drift of people from membership due to outside influences and even from foreign influences within our own churches. As a denomination we are in danger of morphing into a fundamentalist mainline denomination and losing our Lutheran identity and methodology. I hope that people are listening to his warnings. They come from a man who has the history to know where the synod has been and thus where it is going.


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