Monday, October 09, 2006

Time to Step Aside and Let the REAL Church Leaders Take Over Guys!

Prophet Rick Joyner, of Morning Star Ministries, is best known for taking over the compound of Jim and Tammy Bakker in Fort Mill, SC. Today he has a revelation for us:

Metamorphosis can be described by the process through which a caterpillar is changed from a worm, that has to crawl and conform to the contours of the earth, then turn into a butterfly that soars above the earth. This is the process that the church is now going through. However, just as breaking out of its cocoon is the greatest struggle a butterfly will have to endure, for the church to break out of its cocoon, will also be its greatest struggle yet. Even so, just as this struggle is required to strengthen the butterfly so it can flap its great wings, this struggle will be required to strengthen the church so that it, too, can use the great wings that it is being given.

The church is changing very dramatically in its appearance and function. What is now taking place will be so dramatic, that few will be able to compare the caterpillar that she was, to the beautiful butterfly that she will soon be. However, the caterpillar stage was part of the process and was necessary. We must never forget those who walked through some of the church's most difficult times, enduring the difficulties to build the highway for those who followed. We must also go on to our purpose and begin to fly.

True last day apostles and prophets are now maturing and will start to be released throughout the earth over the next few years. The witness of the Holy Spirit through the church will increase until it is impossible to escape this witness in any place on the earth that Jesus Christ is the Lord. The Lord is soon coming back to possess what He purchased on the cross. A great army is being raised up to prepare the way for Him.

...The Lord is at this time preparing messengers who will be entrusted with more power than has ever been witnessed on the earth before. These are the times that even the prophets of old desired to see, and to be chosen to live and serve in them is one of the great honors that Heaven can bestow.
...the Lord is raising up those who will be apostles and prophets to industry, education, the media, and government. These apostles and prophets are the surveyors and engineers who are now preparing for highways to be built into these realms. Many will be possessed for the Kingdom and become a foundation for the coming Kingdom to be built upon.


At October 24, 2006 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds Great!!! I can't wait for the end times that are coming soon!! The Holy Spirit will fall on the Earth like never before in exciting!!!


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