The Date-Setting of Jack Van Impe

Jack Van Impe has been predicting the rapture and return of Christ for many years now. For a few years he's been holding out 2011 for the first Second Coming of Christ (the secret "rapture") and 2018 for the second Second Coming of Christ. He appears to be altering that slightly these days, however. In a cached copy of one of his web pages (the original appears not to be there anymore) a viewer writes, and Van Impe responds:
Viewer: I have been told that the Inca calendar is one of the oldest and most accurate calendars ever devised. I’ve also been told that the Inca calendar doesn't go beyond the year 2012. If this is true, could this have any bearing on the next coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?Oh, good! Only 6 more Christmases until Jesus Christ's First Second Coming!
Van Impe: In the light of everything we've said today this is such an important question. I have read the book The Fingerprints of the Gods. It's a tremendous volume and it covers the Inca and Aztec calendars, both ending on December 25th, 2012. Now, what could it mean? When they talk about the end of the world, as far as the Incas and Aztecs are concerned, they don't mean the end of the world because they have five endings and one of them was Noah's experience with the flood. It didn't end the world. Furthermore, as you know and as I’ve said already in this program, the world is never going to end, Isaiah 45:17 and Ephesians 3:21. So what could it mean?
Oh, I'm excited. In Matthew 1 verse 17 it lists 42 generations from Abraham to Christ. 42. Historically, that covers 2,160 years. Divide 42 into that number and you come out to 51.4 years. What's the countdown? Jerusalem being taken by the Jews, for Jerusalem starts the seven-year period of tribulation, Daniel 9:24. Add 51.4 to 1967 and you come out to 2018. But I just saw this, this week: you add the extra six months because it happened in June of '67 and the 4/10 and you come out to 2019 and take away the 7 from that and you come out to 2012. Could it be on Christmas day Jesus Christ would come at that moment? We don't know the day and hour, Matthew 24:36, but Jesus commands us to know when it's near even at the door.
I'm not dogmatic on this, but could this be the thing that's going to be revealed through the Inca and Aztec's calendars?
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