Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rod Parsley - Purchasing Discernment

At the end of his May 24th Breakthrough broadcast Rod Parsley asked some of his followers to sow a gift of $50, promising that “I believe God will give you a harvest of protection from deception and an uncommon ability to discern between truth and error in your life....First, God is going to release to you the ability to hear and recognize His voice as never before. Second, protection over your decisions. I'm believing with you for one year of no bad choices in your life. Finally, thirdly, protection from the deception of the adversary.”

If such a technique would actually work I would strongly encourage everyone to send Parsley $50. That would surely spell the end of the Word of Faith movement!


At May 31, 2006 7:08 AM, Blogger Frank Gillespie said...

I'd give 'em $100!


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